The phonetic alphabet serves the purpose of clarifying and standardizing verbal communication. It helps to minimize letters and numbers that may sound familiar or that can become easily confused. When used, the phonetic alphabet helps to reduce errors and misunderstandings. It is used in our military profession, aviation and other industries.
NATO Phonetic Alphabet:
A: Alpha (AL-fah)B: Bravo (BRAH-voh)
C: Charlie (CHAR-lee)
D: Delta (DELL-tah)
E: Echo (ECK-oh)
F: Foxtrot (FOKS-trot)
G: Golf (GOLF)
H: Hotel (hoh-TEL)
I: India (IN-dee-ah)
J: Juliet (JEW-lee-ett)
K: Kilo (KEE-loh)
L: Lima (LEE-mah)
M: Mike (MIKE)
N: November (no-VEM-ber)
O: Oscar (OSS-cah)
P: Papa (PAH-pah)
Q: Quebec (keh-BECK)
R: Romeo (ROW-me-oh)
S: Sierra (see-AIR-rah)
T: Tango (TANG-go)
U: Uniform (YOU-nee-form)
V: Victor (VIK-tah)
W: Whiskey (WISS-kee)
X: X-ray (ECKS-RAY)
Y: Yankee (YANG-kee)
Z: Zulu (ZOO-loo)
Phonetic Numbers:
0: Zero (ZEE-roh)
1: One (WUN)
2: Two (TOO)
3: Three (TREE)
4: Four (FOW-er)
5: Five (FIFE)
6: Six (SIX)
7: Seven (SEV-en)
8: Eight (AIT)
9: Nine (NIN-er)
***Disclaimer: This is not advice or an instructional. We do not represent the DOD.***
***Purely for Educational Purposes only.***